Increasing the worth of “you” is a necessity in the world of tech. The more knowledge you can add to yourself, the more value you can bring to your company and the more your company will value you. There are three ways you can easily increase your value: certifications, more knowledge or insight, and networking with people.
A lot of people question if certificates are worth getting. Why should I get a certification if I have already been doing what I have been doing for years? You might think it is just a piece of paper that does not prove anything, so why should I get it? How am I supposed to find time to get this certification when I am swamped at work and at home? All these questions prove to be very valid points. One of the big reasons why certification help is so that companies can bid on contracts from people requiring services. Most companies requiring services look at reputation and accreditation. You need to have both for the customer choose you over the other guys. Sometimes it is just a numbers game with the customer, this company has more accreditation than the other. So even if you already know everything on the cert, you can still provide value in some way. Finding the time to get certifications is tough when you are already swamped with work, homelife, or both. Most people say to study at least an hour a day and some people are unable to. A great way to work towards certifications is giving just 15 minutes a day to focus in on a single topic; study it, go over it, and learn it. This is an achievable process for most topics dealing with certifications. It may take longer to get ready, but you can still get ready to take the certification’s exam. Most employers will see certifications and think that this person took the time to learn something; that the person is willing to put forth effort to get the outcome that they want. A pit fall that I notice people falling into with certifications, is that since they have a certification then they should be getting paid that amount. Unfortunately, that is not true in most cases.
Just having the certification does not necessarily mean you are now qualified to work that job. Almost anyone can study on a topic, take a test, and pass the test. You need to show that you have the knowledge to be in that position and show you can be in that position. The continuation of learning is vital in the field of tech. Whether its cyber security, updating, new techniques, or new software/hardware, there is a lot of stuff to keep up on. You do not have to know everything about everything, just enough to touch each field and then have a field you know a lot about. There is no way to know everything about everything. By learning about different topics and becoming an expert in one or two of them can be a real benefit for yourself and the company. Being able to add to a discussion, give value, and even spark some thinking that may have never happened if you did not bring something to the table can make a difference. It can show your employer that you care for the business, you know about the space the business is in, and want to be involved. By having the conversions on topics you know, networking can become much easier within your field of work.
Networking is the last topic of value and can easily be one of the hardest. Networking in any field is not easy. People are not going to know you, they do not know if you are creditable, they can be unsure of who you are or what you do. By having the presence in your company and being contactable, you will increase your visibility within your company. You can easily become unknown within your company if you just come in, do your job, and collect a paycheck. Some people are okay with that way of working and that is fine. However, it is up to you if you want to get the most out of your field and your company by standing out and proving you can do more. By networking within your company, you can build relationships that will last beyond the company. People move around to other companies, and you will now have a contact within that company. People knowing others they can trust and have an established relationship with can easily help benefit you and the parties involved.
Improving the value of yourself can be beneficial both for you and for your company. More importantly, you can increase your own self-value and be able to get better positions and so on. Acquiring certifications, gaining knowledge, and making connections with other people will make your time at any company more enjoyable and worthwhile for your time.